Why you need to pay attention to your behaviour and triggers that may impact your performance [video_lightbox type=”url” style=”1″ url1=”” url2=”” width=”511″ height=”288″ placeholder=”” placeholder_width=”1280″ placeholder_height=”720″ align=”center”]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1oSmdnWUxfVFdkVQ==[/video_lightbox]   Do you recognised certain things or behaviours that you are doing or acting out, not realising it is a problem and they aren’t actually good for you? […]

Why Experts Fail In Credibility

Ads on Facebook are flooded with new coaches, experts and professionals. When you visit their website you hear the same words – expert, six figures, live life on your terms, working while travelling the world. We’ve heard it all before.

If you are a ‘coach or expert’ I know it can be easy to squirm thinking there is a lot of competition – so how can you stand out and be true to the expert status?

Let’s talk through it as I share some examples of what not to do and ways to build up your authority.

8 Things You Must Do To Survive In Business

How To Survive In Business Have you ever wondered how some people thrive when starting their own business and others seem to struggle endlessly to then only give up. When starting out there is so much to plan and figure out. It certainly requires fresh attitude and bringing key elements above your blood, sweat and […]

Do you work for free when starting a business?

I get asked this question often, should I work for free? When starting out in business have you worked for free and want to start charging? I’m sure there are many circumstance that pop up where you feel giving away some of your talents to help others while building your experience seems like a great idea. […]

8% Win When Making New Year Resolutions, Here’s How They Do It

Ditching Your New Years Resolution? The start of January is a popular time to set intentions and do something new, big and bold. I get the notion of timing with an estimate of over 4o% of people planning to improve their life. I’m also a big believer of setting goals throughout the year, and some of the most successful people, such as Richard Branson and Warren Buffet […]

More Clients? Here are 9 ways to attract more.

How To Attract More Clients More client anyone? Nobody steps into business to fail right? The reality though, many of us do fail in some form throughout our entrepreneurial career and the experience can cultivate smarter ventures. If you are familiar with the legendary Sir Richard Branson you may be aware he launched Virgin Cola back in […]